Wewe ni mng’arao machoni mwangu;
Tabasamu la midomo yangu;
Furaha ya uso wangu;
Kwa sababu bila wewe, mimi sijatimia.
Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
Mungu ni mwenye busara kwa kuwa hakubandika gharama yoyote juu yako mpenzi. Kama angelifanya hivyo, nisingeweza kuwa na uwezo wa kuwa na mpenzi wa thamani kama wewe.
Darling, if you are the second best girl for me, then who is the best? The answer is nobody, because you will always be the best girl for me.
Moyo wangu kwako hautavunjika kamwe. Tabasamu langu kwako halitafutika kamwe. Penzi langu kwako halitaisha kamwe. Nakupenda!
When you need someone to be there for you, I’d be just sitting right beside you.
Unanipa furaha, Unanipa tumaini. Unanipa nguvu, ambayo hunifanya nivumilie. Nakupenda mpenzi, kuliko unavyompenda papa!
Niliulizwa juu ya kanuni ya ‘Nyutoni’ na nikasema kuwa sijui. Nikaulizwa ni nani Rais wa sasa wa Marekani lakini sikuwa na uhakika kama ni Clinton au Obama
Lakini nilipoulizwa kuwa ni nani ninayempenda, jibu pekee nililolifikiria ni wewe.
I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all day long. In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.
I would cross a thousand oceans just to hold you tight. I would climb a thousand mountains just to be with you every single night. Darling I miss you so much.
Nimekutumia meseji hii kukuarifu kuwa nakufikiria. Natumaini kwamba hii dakika moja ninayokutumia meseji itasaidia kuwasilisha penzi langu moja la milele.
You know I wish I can be with you everyday for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day. I never seem to get enough of you.
I just wanted you to know how very much I care, and that you are always in my thoughts even when I can’t be there. As you can see, you mean so much to me!
Majuto pekee niliyonayo ni kutokukufahamu tangu siku nayozaliwa kwani ningeliweza kuishi maisha yangu YOTE na wewe.
Nipe nafasi moyoni mwako na si akilini mwako, kwa maana akili husahau kwa urahisi, lakini moyo hukumbuka mara kwa mara. Nakupenda.
All day long, I hear people talking out loud. But when you talk to me, your sweet voice drowns out the crowd! I miss you.
I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever! :)
Nakutumia kitanda changu ili upumzike, mito ili kukuliwaza na blanketi langu ili kukupa joto.Kwa sasa siwezi kulala kwa sababu tayari nimekwisha kupa vitu vyangu vyote. Usiku mwema! Nakupenda.
Nimevutiwa na uzuri wako, Usafi wako umenitia kiini macho na nimestaajabishwa na penzi lako. Mara kwa mara nakuwaza mpenzi wangu.
If you were to check my handphone one day, you will realise that yours will be the one and only name that appears in my inbox, sent messages and dialed numbers folder. Cos anything associated with you, is just too precious to be deleted away.
If you wake up 1 day & were asked to have a wish, what would it be? Mine would be that our love would last until you see an apple in an orange tree
Tabasamu la midomo yangu;
Furaha ya uso wangu;
Kwa sababu bila wewe, mimi sijatimia.
Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
Mungu ni mwenye busara kwa kuwa hakubandika gharama yoyote juu yako mpenzi. Kama angelifanya hivyo, nisingeweza kuwa na uwezo wa kuwa na mpenzi wa thamani kama wewe.
Darling, if you are the second best girl for me, then who is the best? The answer is nobody, because you will always be the best girl for me.
Moyo wangu kwako hautavunjika kamwe. Tabasamu langu kwako halitafutika kamwe. Penzi langu kwako halitaisha kamwe. Nakupenda!
When you need someone to be there for you, I’d be just sitting right beside you.
Unanipa furaha, Unanipa tumaini. Unanipa nguvu, ambayo hunifanya nivumilie. Nakupenda mpenzi, kuliko unavyompenda papa!
Niliulizwa juu ya kanuni ya ‘Nyutoni’ na nikasema kuwa sijui. Nikaulizwa ni nani Rais wa sasa wa Marekani lakini sikuwa na uhakika kama ni Clinton au Obama
Lakini nilipoulizwa kuwa ni nani ninayempenda, jibu pekee nililolifikiria ni wewe.
I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all day long. In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.
I would cross a thousand oceans just to hold you tight. I would climb a thousand mountains just to be with you every single night. Darling I miss you so much.
Nimekutumia meseji hii kukuarifu kuwa nakufikiria. Natumaini kwamba hii dakika moja ninayokutumia meseji itasaidia kuwasilisha penzi langu moja la milele.
You know I wish I can be with you everyday for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day. I never seem to get enough of you.
I just wanted you to know how very much I care, and that you are always in my thoughts even when I can’t be there. As you can see, you mean so much to me!
Majuto pekee niliyonayo ni kutokukufahamu tangu siku nayozaliwa kwani ningeliweza kuishi maisha yangu YOTE na wewe.
Nipe nafasi moyoni mwako na si akilini mwako, kwa maana akili husahau kwa urahisi, lakini moyo hukumbuka mara kwa mara. Nakupenda.
All day long, I hear people talking out loud. But when you talk to me, your sweet voice drowns out the crowd! I miss you.
I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever! :)
Nakutumia kitanda changu ili upumzike, mito ili kukuliwaza na blanketi langu ili kukupa joto.Kwa sasa siwezi kulala kwa sababu tayari nimekwisha kupa vitu vyangu vyote. Usiku mwema! Nakupenda.
Nimevutiwa na uzuri wako, Usafi wako umenitia kiini macho na nimestaajabishwa na penzi lako. Mara kwa mara nakuwaza mpenzi wangu.
If you were to check my handphone one day, you will realise that yours will be the one and only name that appears in my inbox, sent messages and dialed numbers folder. Cos anything associated with you, is just too precious to be deleted away.
If you wake up 1 day & were asked to have a wish, what would it be? Mine would be that our love would last until you see an apple in an orange tree